17: YP Perspective – Not Your Typical Counselors, Advisors + Advocates

In this episode of UCYP, Tim + Megan have an Uphill Conversation with two young professional attorneys, George Campbell and Jordan Teague, who are not your typical counselors, advisors and advocates. Hear how they left behind the big firms to build something of their own.
Show Notes:
- Benefit of having real word, practical business experience in the legal field
- “Not every legal problem has a legal solution”
- Value of having very different but complementary skill sets
- Recognizing gaps in the market led to starting their own firm
- Importance of being able to communicate and facilitate so that people from different backgrounds and with different skills can understand one another
- Use someone else’s underestimation of you to your advantage
- Misconceptions and fears around engaging an attorney
- Misconception that attorneys are going to nickel-and-dime you
- Best way to build a law practice is to gain your clients trust
- Changing value propositions to be based more on knowledge and expertise than on production or hours
- Not ideal to be in a situation where you are having to convince a client that your services are valuable
- Importance of pursuing understanding of the value that different professionals offer, especially those outside of your area of expertise
- Common pitfalls for YPs and businesses starting out
- Value of creating strong relationships with others
- George believes an attorney’s greatest calling is to be a counselor, advisor and an advocate – to make the world a better place, specifically in the area of truth
Guest Bios:
Jordan Teague Jordan received her B.A., magna cum laude, in Mathematics-Economics from Furman University, and her J.D. from Vanderbilt University. Jordan began her legal career at Burr & Forman in Birmingham, Alabama, serving Fortune 500 clients in the financial services industry. She has experience in civil litigation and regulatory compliance. She also has a passion for merging her understanding of law and technology to help her clients become more effective and efficient. Jordan is a member in good standing of the Alabama Bar.Full bio here
George Campbell George was born in Greenville, South Carolina and found a passion for the Law at an early age. He earned a degree in Spanish from Furman University, and obtained his law degree from the University of Georgia School of Law, where he was the inaugural Blackstock Scholar and the Chairman of the Moot Court Executive Board. Full bio here
Connect with George and Jordan:
- Website: campbellteague.com
- Jordan LinkedIn: in/jordanteague/
- Jordan Twitter: @jordanteague
- Jordan Instagram: @jordanteague
- George LinkedIn: in/gacjr/
- George Instagram: @gacjr1
- George Twitter: @gacjr1
- The Focus Planner, Michael Hyatt
- UCYP Episode #9 – Nicole Cendrowski
- OpenWorks Greenville
- Mr. Holland’s Opus
- Psycho-Cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz
INTRO AND OUTRO MUSIC (Used by permission):
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