18: YP Perspective – Waging War on Personal Change

In this episode of UCYP, Tim and Megan have an Uphill Conversation with Tyler Harris on his early journey of self discovery, strength in vulnerability + waging war on personal change.
Show Notes:
- Putting value out into the world via social media
- Mentors can breathe life back into you
- “Just an ordinary guy trying to do extraordinary things by putting in the extra work”
- Your life can be turned upside down in an instant
- Emotional and mental impact of finding yourself alone – no distractions, no noise
- Taking ownership rather than playing the victim in your own life
- What if instead of focusing on accolades + things we focused on being an exceptional human beings?
- Why Tyler is building something with no expectation of financial gain
- Adversity + transformation vs. transaction
- Desire to help others experience difficult life challenges sooner
- Difference between motivation (external) + inspiration (internal)
- Comeback of vulnerability and recognizing it as a strength: “The rise of the real”
- Tendency to compare ourselves and our successes and struggles to others and placing higher value on greater struggles
- Tyler’s mentality of running from negativity
- Need to evaluate the things + people you allow into your life
- Instead of focusing on passion, ask: “Are you chasing hustle or are you chasing your gifts?”
- Make a decision on how you are going to choose to live today
- Tyler’s advice to YPs: have patience + stop trying to play catch up
Guest Bio: In the last 3 years, Tyler Harris has gone from unemployed to $700k/year by waging war on personal change. In that same time, he got married, had his first child, and started a church. He is the National Coordinator of a life insurance company that serves our nation’s heroes- First Responders. A year ago, Tyler began documenting his life on social media as a way to “pay it forward” and provide value with zero expectation of anything in return. in 12 months, he has taken his social media presence from zero to a weekly reach of 50million people. Tyler spends 200+ nights one the road each year, but enjoys living in downtown Greenville, SC.
Check Tim + Megan out on Tyler’s vlog “The Daily Bread” episode #11.
Connect with Tyler
- Facebook: tylerharrispage
- Instagram: @tylerharrispage
- Facebook: motivationkings
- Instagram: @motivationkings
- Facebook: saleswolvespodcast
- iTunes: sales-wolves-podcast
- Jonathan Parker Episode UCYP 14 – What Type of Vocal Art are you Creating?
- Greg Centineo Uphill Conversations Episode 62 – Living a Life by Design
- Mask of Masculinity, Lewis Howes
- Eric Thomas – “ET, The Hip Hop Preacher”
INTRO AND OUTRO MUSIC (Used by permission):
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