Jen Hemphill – Uphill Words of Wisdom

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What are 3 signature things you tell people regarding your area of expertise?
- When looking at your money there is nothing to fear because you are just looking at numbers
- Don’t focus on what you aren’t achieving, but focus on what you are having success on and celebrate that
- Use the money expert advice as guidance but learn and trust your intuition and determine if that piece of advice makes sense for you in this season of your life.
What is your favorite quote?
- “Mastery is more about focus than intelligence” – Peter Voogd
If you could offer one piece of advice, what would you tell your younger self?
- Self-worth has nothing to do with your finances.
What are your 3 favorite books?
- The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews
- Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
- Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
What are three nouns that describe you?
- Mother
- Connector
- Advocate
Connect with Jen:
- Website:
- Facebook: MoneyWithJen
- Twitter: @jenhemphill
- LinkedIn: in/jenhemphill
Download Jens’s Words of Wisdom One Sheet
Listen to Jen Hemphill on Uphill Conversations!