Jordan Teague: Uphill Words of Wisdom

Click here to download Jordan Teague’s Words of Wisdom
What are 3 signature things you tell people regarding your area of expertise?
- I’m a programmer-turned-lawyer, so I speak geek and legalese! As a general rule, lawyers are notoriously non-tech-savvy, so having this background definitely gives us an edge, whether it’s designing a law firm that runs more efficiently than the traditional model, or being able to understand cutting-edge concepts like cryptocurrency.
- George and I have both worked in industries other than the legal industry. This helps us approach legal problems from a practical perspective and actually advise clients on what to do, not just what the law is.
- There is a misconception in the legal field that time is money — this is reflected in the billable hour system. Sometimes, a lawyer might slave away on your case for hundreds of hours and yield no results; other times, one phone call by a lawyer could save your business millions of dollars. We take seriously our responsibility to figure out how we can actually add value for our clients, not just run up the bill.
What is your favorite quote?
“If you’re gonna be a bear, be a grizzly.” – George Campbell (not sure who originally said it)
If you could offer one piece of advice, what would you tell your younger self?
Confidence is nine-tenths of success. Kick the imposter syndrome and believe in yourself!
What are your 3 favorite books (any genre!)? Since my job consists almost entirely of reading, I tend to prefer podcasts over books for taking in new information 🙂 But every now and then, I do crack open a book:
- Guitarmaking: Tradition and Technology by William Cumpiano. This is a great high-level book on guitar making methodology and I used it as a reference for building my first guitar.
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. A lighthearted yet thought-provoking fictional read.
- The Unbeatable Mind by Mark Divine. An inspiring book by a former Navy seal on how to excel in any field.
What are three nouns that describe you?
- Creator
- Nerd
- Adventurer
Connect with Jordan:
- Website:
- LinkedIn: in/jordanteague/
- Twitter: @jordanteague
- Instagram: @jordanteague