48: Richard Barrett – A Values-Driven Life
In this episode, Richard Barrett joins us and we take a deep dive into values and culture and how they relate to employee well-being and sustainable performance.
Richard Barrett is an author, speaker and internationally recognised thought leader on the evolution of human values in business and society. He is the founder and chairman of the Barrett Values Centre, a Fellow of the World Business Academy and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank. He is the creator of the internationally recognized Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT) which have been used to support more than 6,000 organizations on their transformational journeys. To date, more than 5,000 change agents, consultants and coaches have been trained by the Barrett Values Centre to use the Cultural Transformation Tools in over 50 countries. Full bio here.
Show Notes:
- Your life will look like the choices you make
- Cultural entropy and cultural health
- Methods of surveying individuals to understand values
- Organizational Culture experiences vary based on position within company
- Organizational transformation begins with personal transformation of leaders
- Different stages of psychological development – specifically self-actualization and individuation – and how to meet employees needs at different stages
- Specific challenges men and women face in different stages
- Importance of connecting and emotional intelligence
- Thriving in your role vs. surviving
- The cost of work-related stress in the U.S.
- First thing you must do as a leader is learn to lead yourself
- Importance of adding in the adaptive approach to development and coaching
- Ways that teams can utilize Richard’s resources to build teamwork
- Richard’s professional journey from transportation to transformation
Connect with Richard:
- Assessment: www.valuescentre/pva
- New Leadership Paradigm: www.newleadershipparadigm.com
- The Values-Driven Organization
- The New Leadership Paradigm
- Evolutionary Coaching
- A New Psychology of Human Well-being
INTRO AND OUTRO MUSIC (Used by permission):
No Worries (© 2014 Anderson Music, LLC)
Gotta Move On (© 2014 Anderson Music, LLC)
Uphill Conversations is an Uphill Strategies, LLC production
© 2017 Uphill Conversations
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