Dr. Neeta Bhushan: Uphill Words of Wisdom

Click here to download Dr. Neeta Bhushan’s Words of Wisdom
What are the signature things you tell people regarding your area of expertise?
- Authenticity
- Curiosity
- Courageous leaps
- Fail forward…
All comprise aspects of Emotional grit & resilience
What is your favorite quote?
- “Know thyself.” – Socrates
If you could offer one piece of advice, what would you tell your younger self?
- Be unabashedly bold, relentless, fearless.
What are your 3 favorite books (any genre!)?
- Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
- Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
- Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
What are nouns that describe you?
- Human
- Global
- Love
- Unicorn
Connect with Neeta:
- Website: neetabhushan.com
- LinkedIn: in/drneetabhushan
- Twitter: @NeetaBhushan
- Facebook: @neetabhushan1111
- Instagram: @neetabhushan
- YouTube: Neeta Bhushan