Patricia Young – Uphill Words of Wisdom

Click here to download Patricia’s Words of Wisdom
What are the signature things you tell people regarding your area of expertise?
- It’s really up to us to make our existence on this planet valuable. Nobody will do that for us; no one will come and save us. I know this because I got to a point where I had to realize that it was really up to me. There was nothing and no one coming to help, and nothing to wait for. After all, all we have in life is the present moment!
- Living on Purpose and being who you REALLY are – who you were created to be – is not only your birthright, but it’s also one of the most courageous and powerful things that you can do, not only for yourself, but for those around you and the world in general.
- Fear will show up every time we decide to do something new. We’re wired to feel fear because we’re built for survival, and fear is the primal instinct that keeps us safe. The false fear trap can show up in many subtle and confusing ways, and if we’re not aware, we cling to the comfort of what’s uncomfortably well-known, and it prevents us from living lives that are authentic, fully expressed, and open to the depth of everything that’s possible.
What is your favorite quote?
- “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” ~ Buddha
If you could offer one piece of advice, what would you tell your younger self?
- You’re enough and lovable the way you are. Listen to your heart and believe in yourself.
What are your 3 favorite books?
- The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
- The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
- The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle
What are nouns that describe you?
- Coach
- Author
- Podcast Host
Connect with Patricia:
- Website:
- Instagram: innerprosperityacademy
- Facebook: innerprosperityacademy
- LinkedIn: in/patriciayoungfl
- Twitter: @InnerProsperity